March 2023 Resolution on Web Site Editing Privileges

Revision as of 16:12, 2 April 2023 by KJ7RRV (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The following resolution was passed unanimously at the March 2023 monthly meeting. == Resolution == '''PELICAN BAY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB''' '''RESOLUTION ON WEB SITE EDITING PRIVILEGES''' WHEREAS, the PBARC Wiki is built on the MediaWiki software, which is intended for collaborative development of content, And WHEREAS, this method of creating content works best with participation from as many people as possible, And WHEREAS, receiving contributions from m...")
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The following resolution was passed unanimously at the March 2023 monthly meeting.




WHEREAS, the PBARC Wiki is built on the MediaWiki software, which is intended for collaborative development of content,

And WHEREAS, this method of creating content works best with participation from as many people as possible,

And WHEREAS, receiving contributions from many different members allows for improved coverage of a wide variety of topics,

And WHEREAS, the MediaWiki software allows any mistakes made by editors to be easily fixed or reverted,

And WHEREAS, useful information added to an incorrect page can be easily transferred to a more appropriate location,

And WHEREAS, contributions with mistakes can still add valuable information that simply needs minor revisions,

And WHEREAS, improvements to the site's coverage of technical topics and club events further the club's purpose, as defined in Section 1 of Article 2 of the Bylaws, of "promot[ing]... self-training in amateur radio communications" and "advanc[ing] the general interest and welfare of amateur radio in the southwestern Oregon-northwestern California communities",

Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED by the Pelican Bay Amateur Radio Club, to create a wiki account with full editing privileges for any member who requests one,

And be it further RESOLVED, to encourage all members to make use of these privileges by contributing to the site, even if these contributions may need further improvements,

And be it further RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors may, by a majority vote, for cause or no cause, rescind these privileges, subject to review at the next regular meeting of the membership.

Approved by the membership at the March 2023 monthly meeting on March 31, 2023.