Licensing guide


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Get licensed

Are you interested in obtaining an amateur radio license? The Technician (entry-level) license exam is not too difficult, and obtaining a license costs at most $50. You can purchase an entry-level radio for under $30, so the total cost of becoming a ham is under $80.

= Study is a very helpful no-cost online tool for studying for the exams. If you would prefer a paper book, the ARRL study guide is a good resource.


In order to obtain your license, you must take a Technician class exam. You can take the exam online or in-person. In either case, you may have to pay up to $15 for the exam.


HamStudy offers a remote exam finder. In an online exam, you will take the test in your web browser while on a video call with the volunteer examiners.


PBARC conducts in-person exams at the Check Activity Center every two months.

Pay the FCC fee

You will have to pay $35 to the FCC. (More information coming)

Get on the air!

After your license is issued, congratulations! You may now use all VHF and UHF ham radio bands and some HF bands.

First radio

Most people choose an inexpensive HT (handheld radio; ham radio walkie-talkie) for their first radio. The Baofeng GT-5R is a popular model and costs under $30.

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