Azalea Parade 2023

Revision as of 19:06, 28 April 2023 by KJ7RRV (talk | contribs)

The Azalea Parade will take place on Saturday, May 27, in 2023. As usual, PBARC plans to provide radio communications. Please contact Template:KE6NCU with any questions.

Volunteers should arrive at Trinity Lutheran Church (1200 Easy St.) by 08:00 (8:00 AM). Template:KJ7JTF will be ICP1 (Incident Command Post 1) on the Crown Terrace repeater (146.840 MHz, - offset, 88.5 Hz tone) and Template:N7SGV will be ICP2 on the Harbor Hills repeater (146.960 MHz, - offset, 88.5 Hz tone). After everyone has arrived at their assigned locations, we will conduct radio checks before the parade begins. Parade marshals' golf carts will be tracked by APRS, allowing ICP to see a near-live map of the marshals' locations. After the parade ends, volunteers should return to the church parking lot for the debrief/"hot wash."