Crown Terrace Repeater
The Crown Terrace repeater (146.840 MHz, - offset, 88.5 Hz tone) is one of PBARC's repeaters. It is used for the Health and Welfare Net.
Electrical measurements
Shack has only one 20A breaker feeding us, from the control shack at the site compound.
We should not have more load than 16A on our 20A breaker, to prevent tripping in the summertime.
(It appears that some water controls use the same multi-conductor cable as power in.)
(The power feed to the control shack is 480V, through a transformer, to a breaker subpanel, then to conduit to us.)
AC power
- 2 m repeater: 12.25A on 50W TX (not much overhead for other gear...)
- DMR repeater: 0.25A quiescent, 1.03A on 15W TX
DC power
- 2 m repeater: 4.8A on 20W TX (repeater drops to medium RF power while on battery power)
- 2 m repeater: 0.75A while quiescent (listening)
- batteries: model 8144, 6-v Deep Discharge (typical Golf Cart type),
- charger: maker: Foval charges at 1.0 Ah (so it will take a long time to build back a charge after a long outage)
Things to acquire for the site (2022-01-15)
Waterproof documents box (with desiccant packet)
12v Fuse Panel, power pole connectors, ala RigRunner)
2-RU rackmount panel (to mount the fuse panel)
10x24 machine screws, for use in the Chatsworth 2-post racks (In a labeled container, with desiccant)
Info from Andy N7SGV, 2022-01-19
Harbor Water is in charge of this stie, and we want to stay on their good side...
Herman (?) at Harbor Water got us involved at the site... but Herman is leaving Harbor Water...
We can ONLY have PBARC property at the site. (PBARC cannot offer access to non-PBARC gear. (Expect that someone from Harbor Water WILL inspect the shack. All our gear should be labeled!)
NO cameras will be allowed on-site. Even asking to discuss cameras is likely to make trouble. (Landowners have extreme privacy concerns. It is a VERY HOT TOPIC.)
Possible Future Equipment At The Site
Fire Radio(s): low-power VHF, antenna ~25' up the tower, with solar panels and batteries, being provided by Andy G.
Water Radio(s) will be 900 MHz SCADA data link radios, antennas mounted on the top section of the tower.
Ambient Weather weather station, external temp/humidity sensor, rain and wind. Weather Underground.
weather/security camera(s)
telemetry monitor/reporter (Arduino/RPi, clock, sensors)
Internet link? (600 Amps, RF link)