Azalea Parade 2022
The Azalea Parade 2022 was on Saturday, May 29, 2022. PBARC members were highly visible in yellow vests stationed along the parade route and also following along the parade route in golf carts as parade Marshalls to help keep the parade at an even pace. There was an ICP (Incident Command Post) located at the Lutheran Church parking lot (1200 Easy St.) which was the central gathering point at 8:00am for all PBARC participants.
Despite the rain and wind, the parade went well. All PBARC volunteers were able to talk to Template:KE6NCU (net control) over the Crown Terrace repeater (146.840 MHz, - offset, 88.5 Hz tone). There were some problems with parade participants not having registered, but these issues were all sorted out fairly easily.