Copyright policy


The following policy was approved at the August 2023 monthly meeting.


1. Content may be copied from external sources to the wiki if this can be done in compliance with copyright. Copied content is subject to its original license terms, but modifications made for the PBARC Wiki shall be licensed under the license of the page. Attribution to the source must be given in any article using external content, even if it is not required for copyright reasons.

2. The wiki footer shall carry a notice that “Article text is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International, unless otherwise noted.”

3. The wiki editor page shall include the following text:

By submitting your edit, you agree to release your contributions under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. You also agree that a hyperlink or URL to this article is sufficient to fulfill any attribution requirements for others’ reuse of your content. Do not post copyrighted content to which you do not hold the copyright without permission to release it under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike. You must attribute the source of any external content used.

4. This policy shall have no effect on the licensing of images or other files on the wiki.