


PBARC's bylaws and articles of incorporation are available as a PDF file.

Standing rules

The Pelican Bay Amateur Radio Club has adopted the following standing rule:

  1. At all general membership meetings, when it is feasible, the first item of business after the call to order shall be the Pledge of Allegiance. Adopted at the March 2024 monthly meeting.

Web site policies

Three policies related to the PBARC Wiki (this Web site) have been adopted at meetings. We also have a privacy policy.

The explanations on this page are not authoritative. See the pages for the individual policies for details.

Editing privileges

The March 2023 Resolution on Web Site Editing Privileges authorizes the creation of an account with editing privileges for members who request them. Please email Sam KJ7RRV (sam@kj7rrv.com) if you are a PBARC member and would like an account.


The June 2023 Resolution on Web Hosting authorizes the rental of the server currently used to host the site.


The copyright policy establishes the rules for copyright on the wiki.